Photography credits:
(1-2) We need 2 tlk, Tegen Kimbley
(3) Y: the symbol of man, Rob Harris
(4) A message from my ancestors, Rob Harris
(5) Doing Duties for Miss Dell, ICF
(6) The offerings that remain, Rob Harris
(7) The offerings that remain, ICF
(8-9) A Tale or Two experiments, Mark Hinton
(10-13) Seeds, 2024. Presented as part of the Infinite Ecologies Marathon. The Magazine, Serpentine, September 2024. Photo by Talie Rose Eigeland. Courtesy Serpentine.
(14) There’s another ‘O’ in zoom, Marcin Cz
(15) Leti’guh, ICF
(16-17) Great-ish:The Gaslighting of a Nation, Tom Platinum Morley
Arts Foundation Future Awards Shortlisted Artist for Visual Art (2025)
Arts Council England DYCP recipient (2022)
Arts Council England DYCP recipient (2022)